February 24, 2018

Living Dead Weekend in the Monroeville Mall Dawn 40th Anniversary

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The living Dead weekend is coming back to the Monroeville Mall this June 8-10 2018 for the biggest Dawn ofthe Dead Reunion event the world has ever seen.
with 40 guests attending the show for a Dawn of the Dead 40th Anniversary Reunion Celebration, All in side the Mall where it was filmed, with Mall tours around the filming locations seen in the movie, Vendors and Events its gonna be the biggest Living Dead Weekend ever.
Celebrity Guests already announced include Ken Foree, Scott Reiniger, Gaylen Ross, Tom Savini there is also a special appearance from Greg Nicotero of the Walking Dead Fame, who is also a massive Dawn of the Dead fan and worked in the special make-up effects department for Tom Savini on George A. Romeros Day of the Dead.

Richard France who played Dr. Millard Rausch the eye patch wearing scientist in Dawn of the Dead will be there for his first ever convention appearance, Richard also starred in George Romero’s The Crazies and is looking forward to the show.

Advance ticket booking is available now with discount savings for booking early, use the following links to book and find out more info.
The Living Dead Weekend Dawn of the Dead 40th Anniversary in the Monroeville Mall June 8-10 2018

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